Data Science

This course is designed to teach Data Science in a hands-on manner and prepare participants for a career in this field. The course will provide you with the complete toolbox to become a Data Scientist. Students will acquire the precise technical skills recruiters are looking for when hiring Data Scientists.

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Course overview

Course Description

This course is designed to teach Data Science in a hands-on manner and prepare participants for a career in this field. The course will provide you with the complete toolbox to become a Data Scientist. Students will acquire the precise technical skills recruiters are looking for when hiring Data Scientists.

On completion, students will have gained the analytical skills required to open the doors to a lucrative career as a Data Scientist.

Data is extremely important to all organizations, and at all levels. It's not just big IT and software companies: Data experts are needed in banking and finance, automotive, energy, healthcare, transport, retail, and virtually every domain you can think of. And because data drives decisions - from small regional offices to the boardroom - graduates from bootcamps in Data Science will be directly involved in important strategic decision-making processes.

The role of data scientist is now a buzz worthy career. It has staying power in the marketplace and provides opportunities for people who study data science to make valuable contributions to their companies and societies at large. LinkedIn recently picked data scientist as its most promising career of 2019. One of the reasons it got the top spot was that the average salary for people in the role is $130,000.

Data science is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tech industry. In simple words, there is soaring demand for Data professionals yet a huge deficit on the supply side. The course will qualify you for a position as a data scientist or a data analyst. This program will ensure you have the knowledge to kick-start your career in Data Science.


On successful completion of the course participants will be awarded participation certificate from DigiPAKISTAN. Also prepare for International Exam.

Duration & Frequency

Total Duration of the course is 3 months

What will i learn?

  • The course provides the entire toolbox you need to become a data scientist
  • Fill up your resume with in demand data science skills: Statistical analysis, Python programming with NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, and Seaborn, Advanced statistical analysis, Tableau, Machine Learning with stats models and scikit-learn, Deep learning with TensorFlow
  • Understand the mathematics behind Machine Learning (an absolute must which other courses don’t teach!)
  • Start coding in Python and learn how to use it for statistical analysis
  • Use state-of-the-art Deep Learning frameworks such as Google’s TensorFlowDevelop a business intuition while coding and solving tasks with big data
  • Unfold the power of deep neural networks
  • Warm up your fingers as you will be eager to apply everything you have learned here to more and more real-life situations
  • No prior experience is required. We will start from the very basics
  • You’ll need to install Anaconda. We will show you how to do that step by step
  • Microsoft Excel 2003, 2010, 2013, 2016, or 365
Curriculum for this course
Data Science Certification Introduction
  • Data Science Certification Introduction of Course
Data Science Intro & Python Data Types
  • DS-Jupyter Notebook Installation and setup of anaconda
  • DS-Data Science Confusion terms
  • DS- Data Analytics, Big Data Analytics and Data Science
  • DS- Data Science Definition and Steps
  • DS- Data Types Numbers and Strings python Language Hands on
  • DS- Data Types List, set and Tuple
  • DS- Data Types Dictionay
Advance Python Learning
  • DS-Python Condition and While Loop
  • DS-For loops
  • DS- Classes ,Input statement
  • DS-Function, Lambda function with map and reduce
  • DS- List Comprehension and quiz discussion
Data Engeerining
  • DS-Overview of Data Engeering
  • DS-Types of Data
  • DS- Data Science Stages
  • DS- Handling of missing and noisy data
  • DS Data Normalization and Discritizaiation
Data Engineering NUMPY and PANDAS
  • DS- Numpy Arrays
  • DS-Numpy Array operation
  • DS-Pandas Series
  • DS-Pandas Dataframe
  • DS- Pandas Missing valuses Dropna and filling
  • DS- Pandas Groupby
  • DS-Pandas concat, merge, join
  • DS- Dataframe Input and output
  • DS-Dataframe pandas operations
  • DS- Pandas Case studies examples
  • DS-Pandas Assignment explnation of 2 and 3
Data Exploration
  • DS-Overview of Data Exploration
  • DS-Overview of Libraries
  • DS-Seaborn Categorical data plots
  • DS-Matplotlib Practice
  • DS-Seaborn Distribution plots
  • DS-Seaborn Matrix plots
  • DS-Assignment overview
Machine Learning Intro and LInear Regression
  • DS-Machine Learning introduction
  • DS-Machine Learning Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
  • DS- Linear Regression Concepts
  • DS- Linear Regression Aanalysis Model Goodness
  • DS-Linear Regression Hands-on Case Study of House Price
ML Logistic Regression and classfication Metrics
  • DS-Logistic regression concept
  • DS-Logistic regression hands-on till Data EDA-I
  • DS-Logistic regression hands-on case Study -II
  • DS-Classfication Metrics
  • DS-Assignment demo
Data Science Statistics
  • DS-Receivier Operating Characteristics (AUC) Metrics page 4 to 6
  • DS-Data Science Statistics ( Population , sampling ,mean , median, standard deviation , Distribuations)
  • DS- Varience Bias, Standard dev
  • DS-Covarience
ML Decison Tree, Random forest , Ensemble and KNN
  • DS-Decision Tree
  • Ensemble Techniques and Random Forest Concepts
  • DS Concept of Bias ,Varience, overfitting and underfitting
  • DS-Desicsion and Random Forest Hands-on example
  • DS Assignment 6 DS and Random Forest Demo
  • DS-KNN Model Concept
  • DS-KNN model Hands and Assignment 8
Text Mining pre-processing , TF IDF and Naive Bayes
  • DS-Text Analytics
  • DS-Text Preprocessing hands-on
  • DS-TF-IDF Model
  • Naive Bayes Classfier
Sentiment Analysis case study and Artificial Neural Network
  • Text-preprocessing demo practice
  • Naive Bayes Hands-on practice on SMS SPAM classfication
  • Artificial Neural Network Concept
  • Artificial Neural Network training steps
  • Backpropagation and ANN algorithm
  • First hands on ANN Demo
  • ANN case stuy churn modeling
Deep Learning And Convolutional Neural Network
  • Convolutional Neural Network
  • Convolutional and Pooling Layer Methmatics
  • Use case of Mnist with CNN
  • Demo in Google Colab and Running CNN Case Study
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